Monday, January 7, 2013


W - Winter Storms - The Finger Lakes Region of New York is notorious for lots of snow during the Winter months.  The mix of normal winter storms with lake effect snow help to make campus a winter wonderland!  However, last year we did not receive that much snow.  Thankfully, this year, Mother Nature gave Elmira a beautiful white coating before we students returned from Winter Break.

Photo: We have had a bit of snow over break!

I - Igloo Making - Carnegie Lawn is the perfect place for students to enjoy the snow.  It is an open field, right next to the puddle, where students can design igloos and snowmen.  Oftentimes, students will even sled down the hill that is in front of Cowles Hall.  Having that open area lets all of the students enjoy the snow and bring back the relaxing memories of childhood.
N - Nearby Skiing - There is one really great ski resort that is about an hour and a half away from campus.  Greek Peak in Cortland, NY has both skiing and snowboarding, as well as tubing!  For those who are inexperienced on the slopes, the mountain also offers lessons with instructors.  Elmira College also has a Ski Club on campus and they offer multiple ski trips throughout the year!

T - Tea & a Fire - About half of our Residence Halls on campus have fireplaces in the Main Lounges.  During the winter, these fireplaces are often filled with wood and combustion, and surrounded by groups of people.  It is a great place to put a chair by the fire, grab a book for a Lit class and drink some tea or hot chocolate!

E - Essential Outerwear - Oftentimes I think some people forget that we actually have to walk to class in the snow and wind.  It is so important to have a winter coat and good boots that have a tread on them.  It is very rare when classes get cancelled, so there are times when you have to walk through the snow to get there.  One of the best investments for school at EC is warm winter coat with a hood!

R - Rock Salt - In the land of purple, there is purple rock salt!  Buildings and Grounds has started to phase out the use of purple rock salt, but when it appears on our sidewalks, there is another piece of our purple home for everyone to see!

** Photo Credit:  Elmira College Office of Public Relations

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